3D render of a technology background with code over male head


Concepts, Ranges, and Views - The New Way of Programming in C++

Registration includes:

  • Attendance to the workshop with coffee break and cocktail lunch
  • Free attendance at the Using std::cpp 2024 event on April 24, 25s and 26s for the first 10 registered

Concepts, Ranges, and Views - The New Way of Programming in C++

Concepts, ranges, and views, introduced with C++20 and extended with C++23, introduce a new way of programming with C++:

 Concepts establish a way to deal with requirements and constraints to simplify overloading and improve error messages of generic code. This sounds simple but changes the way we write code significantly.

 Ranges and views establish a new way to deal with collections and containers. Instead of using begin() and end(), we deal with the collections as a whole. This establishes new ways of data processing (such as pipelines) but also introduces new pitfalls and caveats.

 Both features were designed together so that they benefit from each other:

 Ranges and views are implemented using concepts to behave well and help with their usage.

As a consequence, standard concepts were designed according to a real non-trivial application of using them.

 This full day tutorial guides you though these new features. The features are motivated and explained so that you understand purpose and design as well as how to use them in practice. This also implies to talk about the most important pitfalls (there are several) so that you avoid wasting time or getting even frustrated by unexpected behavior or strange errors.


Nicolai Josuttis

Nicolai Josuttis

SOA and C++ expert, system architect, technical manager, author

Nicolai Josuttis (www.josuttis.com) is well-known in the community for his authoritative books and talks. For more than 20 years he has been a member of the C++ Standard Committee. He is the author of several worldwide best-sellers, including: - C++20: The Complete Guide - C++17: The Complete Guide - C++ Move Semantics: The Complete Guide - The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference - C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (w/ David Vandevoorde & Doug Gregor)

Meeting point for C++ developers and as exchange forum of ideas and experiences around the use of the C++ programming language
Using std::cpp 2024 Event

Concepts, Ranges, and Views - The New Way of Programming in C++

April 23, 2024

Face to face

Type of course:

9.00 – 18.30

350 €

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